Who We Are

We are early childhood experts, and parent educators who believe in the power of play.

Play is how children learn, and play is how parenting gets a lot more fun.

Little Play Lab was born from the needs of pandemic parents. After years of teaching and working with children, the COVID-19 pandemic showed us just how restorative play truly is, not just for children but for the adults who love them. Play connects. Play inspires. Play is essential. We created Little Play Lab to bring joy - and ease! - to parents lives by fostering inspired open-ended play and supporting community building for parents of young children.

Lisa Yanofsky

Co-Owner (she still loves ice cream)

Mom to Ilya (b. 2020) & Naomi (b. 2023)

Lisa holds an Ed.M. from Harvard Graduate School of Education and is a Positive Parenting Coach, a Conscious Discipline educator, and a provissional Zero to Three trainer.

Emmaline Rosenthal

Co-Owner (she still loves baths)

Mom to Sam (b. 2018) & Eleanor (b. 2020)

Emmaline has taught young children for over a decade. She is a sought-after outdoor learning educator who leads programming all over the Dallas area.